
第十一篇 身體的啓示與事奉的學習
Message 11: Revelation of the Body of Christ
and Practice in Services

講員: 史伯誠 Speaker: N. Sze
領詩: 柯冬青 Song Leading: D. Ke
擘餅: 熊衛東/柯冬青 Lord’s Table: W. Xiong/D. Ke
翻譯: 楊兆文 Translator: Z. Yang

讀經Scriptures: [expand 羅Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 9-16, 20羅Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 9-16, 20]

羅Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 9-16
12:1 [hgb] 所 以 弟 兄 们 , 我 以 神 的 慈 悲 劝 你 们 , 将 身 体 献 上 , 当 作 活 祭 , 是 圣 洁 的 , 是 神 所 喜 悦 的 。 你 们 如 此 事 奉 , 乃 是 理 所 当 然 的 。
[kjv] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
[bbe] For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him.
12:2 [hgb] 不 要 效 法 这 个 世 界 。 只 要 心 意 更 新 而 变 化 , 叫 你 们 察 验 何 为 神 的 善 良 , 纯 全 可 喜 悦 的 旨 意 。
[kjv] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
[bbe] And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.
12:3 [hgb] 我 凭 着 所 赐 我 的 恩 , 对 你 们 各 人 说 , 不 要 看 自 己 过 于 所 当 看 的 。 要 照 着 神 所 分 给 各 人 信 心 的 大 小 , 看 得 合 乎 中 道 。
[kjv] For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
[bbe] But I say to every one of you, through the grace given to me, not to have an over-high opinion of himself, but to have wise thoughts, as God has given to every one a measure of faith.
12:4 [hgb] 正 如 我 们 一 个 身 子 上 有 好 些 肢 体 , 肢 体 也 不 都 是 一 样 的 用 处 。
[kjv] For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
[bbe] For, as we have a number of parts in one body, but all the parts have not the same use,
12:5 [hgb] 我 们 这 许 多 人 , 在 基 督 里 成 为 一 身 , 互 相 联 络 作 肢 体 , 也 是 如 此 。
[kjv] So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
[bbe] So we, though we are a number of persons, are one body in Christ, and are dependent on one another;
12:6 [hgb] 按 我 们 所 得 的 恩 赐 , 各 有 不 同 。 或 说 预 言 , 就 当 照 着 信 心 的 程 度 说 预 言
[kjv] Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;
[bbe] And having different qualities by reason of the grace given to us, such as the quality of a prophet, let it be made use of in relation to the measure of our faith;
12:7 [hgb] 或 作 执 事 , 就 当 专 一 执 事 。 或 作 教 导 的 , 就 当 专 一 教 导 。
[kjv] Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;
[bbe] Or the position of a Deacon of the church, let a man give himself to it; or he who has the power of teaching, let him make use of it;
12:8 [hgb] 或 作 劝 化 的 , 就 当 专 一 劝 化 。 施 舍 的 就 当 诚 实 。 治 理 的 , 就 当 殷 勤 。 怜 悯 人 的 , 就 当 甘 心 。
[kjv] Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.
[bbe] He who has the power of comforting, let him do so; he who gives, let him give freely; he who has the power of ruling, let him do it with a serious mind; he who has mercy on others, let it be with joy.
12:9 [hgb] 爱 人 不 可 虚 假 , 恶 要 厌 恶 , 善 要 亲 近 。
[kjv] Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
[bbe] Let love be without deceit. Be haters of what is evil; keep your minds fixed on what is good.
12:10 [hgb] 爱 弟 兄 , 要 彼 此 亲 热 。 恭 敬 人 , 要 彼 此 推 让 。
[kjv] Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
[bbe] Be kind to one another with a brother’s love, putting others before yourselves in honour;
12:11 [hgb] 殷 勤 不 可 懒 惰 。 要 心 里 火 热 。 常 常 服 事 主 。
[kjv] Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
[bbe] Be not slow in your work, but be quick in spirit, as the Lord’s servants;
12:12 [hgb] 在 指 望 中 要 喜 乐 。 在 患 难 中 要 忍 耐 。 祷 告 要 恒 切 。
[kjv] Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
[bbe] Being glad in hope, quiet in trouble, at all times given to prayer,
12:13 [hgb] 圣 徒 缺 乏 要 帮 补 。 客 要 一 味 地 款 待 。
[kjv] Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
[bbe] Giving to the needs of the saints, ready to take people into your houses.
12:14 [hgb] 逼 迫 你 们 的 , 要 给 他 们 祝 福 。 只 要 祝 福 , 不 可 咒 诅 。
[kjv] Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
[bbe] Give blessing and not curses to those who are cruel to you.
12:15 [hgb] 与 喜 乐 的 人 要 同 乐 。 与 哀 哭 的 人 要 同 哭 。
[kjv] Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
[bbe] Take part in the joy of those who are glad, and in the grief of those who are sorrowing.
12:16 [hgb] 要 彼 此 同 心 。 不 要 志 气 高 大 , 倒 要 俯 就 卑 微 的 人 。 ( 人 或 作 事 ) 不 要 自 以 为 聪 明 。
[kjv] Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.
[bbe] Be in harmony with one another. Do not have a high opinion of yourselves, but be in agreement with common people. Do not give yourselves an air of wisdom.

羅Romans 12:20
12:20 [hgb] 所 以 , 你 的 仇 敌 若 饿 了 , 就 给 他 吃 。 若 渴 了 , 就 给 他 喝 。 因 为 你 这 样 行 , 就 是 把 炭 火 堆 在 他 的 头 上 。
[kjv] Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
[bbe] But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head..



    一、 將身體獻上當作活祭,如此事奉是自自然然的
    To present your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable (spontaneous) service (Romans 12:1).
    二、 不要效法這個世界,要心思更新變化,察驗神可喜悅的旨意
    Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
    三、 要照著神所分給的信心, 看得合乎中道
    To think soberly, according as God hath dealt to each man a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).
    四、 我們這許多人在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體
    So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another (Romans 12:5).
    五、 愛弟兄, 要彼此親熱, 要心裏火熱, 常常服事主
    Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love. Be fervent in spirit; serving the Lord (Romans 12:10, 11).

聖 徒 交 通

1. 周五晚7:30查經交通:林前9. 周二晚禱告會: 7:30PM. 周六晚上六點我們有年輕人的聚會,聯係人: Krystal & Kurtis Huang.
2. 下主日(3月31日)是月末愛宴聚會, 請每家帶一道菜來與弟兄姊妹一起分享.
3. 4月13日(周六)教會將舉行一次春游,去Huntington Library, 報名費$10, 請向兆文或衛東弟兄報名。
4. 求主醫治看顧身體軟弱的弟兄姊妹們。
5. 主日早晨9:20-9:50在教會有讀經時間,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。
Announcements and Prayers
1. Friday night Bible fellowship on 1 Corinthians 9 at 7:30 PM. Tuesday night prayer meeting is at 7:30 PM. We will have Saturday night youth meeting at 6:00 pm. Contact Krystal & Kurtis Huang for more details.
2. Next Lord’s day (3/31)is the last Lord’s day of the month, each family please bring a dish to share with all.
3. We will have a special Spring outing to Huntington Library. Please register with Bro. Yang or Bro. Xiong. The fee is $10 per person.
4. May the Lord heal and watch over the saints with health needs.
5. Bible reading time between 9:20 – 9:50 am on Lord’s day morning. Welcome to participate.


第十篇 神的絕對主權
Message 10: God’s Absolute Authority

講員: 史伯誠 Speaker: B. Shi
領詩: 柯冬青 Song Leading: D. Ke
擘餅: 林博明/柯冬青 Lord’s Table: B. Lin/D. Ke
翻譯: 沈靜媛 Translator: J. Shen

讀經Scriptures: [expand 羅Romans 9:15-16;10:9-11,15-18;11:30-32,33-36]

羅Romans 9:15-16
9:15 [hgb] 因 他 对 摩 西 说 , 我 要 怜 悯 谁 , 就 怜 悯 谁 , 要 恩 待 谁 , 就 恩 待 谁 。
[kjv] For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
[bbe] For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and pity on whom I will have pity.
9:16 [hgb] 据 此 看 来 , 这 不 在 乎 那 定 意 的 , 也 不 在 乎 那 奔 跑 的 , 只 在 乎 发 怜 悯 的 神 。
[kjv] So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
[bbe] So then, it is not by the desire or by the attempt of man, but by the mercy of God..

羅Romans 10:9-11,15-18
10:9 [hgb] 你 若 口 里 认 耶 稣 为 主 , 心 里 信 神 叫 他 从 死 里 复 活 , 就 必 得 救 。
[kjv] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
[bbe] Because, if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation:
10:10 [hgb] 因 为 人 心 里 相 信 , 就 可 以 称 义 。 口 里 承 认 , 就 可 以 得 救 。
[kjv] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
[bbe] For with the heart man has faith to get righteousness, and with the mouth he says that Jesus is Lord to get salvation.
10:11 [hgb] 经 上 说 , 凡 信 他 的 人 , 必 不 至 于 羞 愧 。
[kjv] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
[bbe] Because it is said in the holy Writings, Whoever has faith in him will not be shamed.

10:15 [hgb] 若 没 有 奉 差 遣 , 怎 能 传 道 呢 ? 如 经 上 所 记 , 报 福 音 传 喜 信 的 人 , 他 们 的 脚 踪 何 等 佳 美 ,
[kjv] And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
[bbe] And how will there be preachers if they are not sent? As it is said, How beautiful are the feet of those who give the glad news of good things.
10:16 [hgb] 只 是 人 没 有 都 听 从 福 音 。 因 为 以 赛 亚 说 , 主 阿 , 我 们 所 传 的 有 谁 信 呢 ?
[kjv] But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
[bbe] But they have not all given ear to the good news. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has had faith in our word?
10:17 [hgb] 可 见 信 道 是 从 听 道 来 的 , 听 道 是 从 基 督 的 话 来 的 。
[kjv] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
[bbe] So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
10:18 [hgb] 但 我 说 , 人 没 有 听 见 吗 ? 诚 然 听 见 了 。 他 们 的 声 音 传 遍 天 下 , 他 们 的 言 语 传 到 地 极 。
[kjv] But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
[bbe] But I say, Did not the word come to their ears? Yes, certainly: Their sound has gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
羅Romans 11:30-32,33-36
11:30 [hgb] 你 们 从 前 不 顺 服 神 , 如 今 因 他 们 的 不 顺 服 , 你 们 倒 蒙 了 怜 恤 。
[kjv] For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
[bbe] For as you, in time past, were not under the rule of God, but now have got mercy through their turning away,
11:31 [hgb] 这 样 , 他 们 也 是 不 顺 服 , 叫 他 们 因 着 施 给 你 们 的 怜 恤 , 现 在 也 就 蒙 怜 恤 。
[kjv] Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
[bbe] So in the same way these have gone against the orders of God, so that by the mercy given to you they may now get mercy.
11:32 [hgb] 因 为 神 将 众 人 都 圈 在 不 顺 服 之 中 , 特 意 要 怜 恤 众 人 。
[kjv] For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
[bbe] For God has let them all go against his orders, so that he might have mercy on them all.
11:33 [hgb] 深 哉 , 神 丰 富 的 智 慧 和 知 识 。 他 的 判 断 , 何 其 难 测 , 他 的 踪 迹 , 何 其 难 寻 ,
[kjv] O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
[bbe] O how deep is the wealth of the wisdom and knowledge of God! no one is able to make discovery of his decisions, and his ways may not be searched out.
11:34 [hgb] 谁 知 道 主 的 心 ? 谁 作 过 他 的 谋 士 呢 ?
[kjv] For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
[bbe] Who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord? or who has taken part in his purposes?
11:35 [hgb] 谁 是 先 给 了 他 , 使 他 后 来 偿 还 呢 ?
[kjv] Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
[bbe] Or who has first given to him, and it will be given back to him again?
11:36 [hgb] 因 为 万 有 都 是 本 于 他 , 倚 靠 他 , 归 于 他 。 愿 荣 耀 归 给 他 , 直 到 永 远 。 阿 们 。
[kjv] For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
[bbe] For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things. To him be the glory for ever. So be it.



    一、 不在那定意的,不在那奔跑的,只在發憐憫的神—放下猶太民族,揀選教會
    God laid aside the nation of Israel, chose the Church – It is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy (Romans 9:16)
    二、 口裡承認耶穌是主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復活就必得救—信主的道
    The Word of Truth – If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved (Romans 10:9)
    三、 他們的腳蹤何等佳美,他們的聲音傳遍天下,他們的言語傳到地級
    Gospel went out to the whole Earth – How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world (Romans 10: 15b, 18b)
    四、 神將眾人都圈在不順服之中,為要憐恤眾人
    God’s Mercy Upon All – God has concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all (Romans 11:32)
    五、 因為萬有都是本于他,依靠他,歸給他,願榮耀歸於他直到永遠
    Of him, and Through him, and To him, are all things – For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever (Romans 11:36)

聖 徒 交 通

1. 周五晚7:30查經交通:林前8. 周二晚禱告會: 7:30PM.
2. 周六晚上我們有年輕人的聚會,請代禱並邀請年輕的弟兄姊妹參加,聯係人: Krystal & Kurtis Huang.
3. 4月13日(周六)教會將舉行一次春游,去Huntington Library, 報名費$10, 請向兆文或衛東弟兄報名。
4. 求主醫治看顧身體軟弱的弟兄姊妹們。
5. 主日早晨9:20-9:50在教會有讀經時間,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。
Announcements and Prayers
1. Friday night Bible fellowship on 1 Corinthians 8 at 7:30 PM. Tuesday night prayer meeting is at 7:30 PM.
2. We will have Saturday night youth meeting. Please invite our youth to participate. Contact Krystal & Kurtis Huang for more details.
3. We will have a special Spring outing to Huntington Library. Please register with Bro. Yang or Bro. Xiong. The fee is $10 per person.
4. May the Lord heal and watch over the saints with health needs.
5. Bible reading time between 9:20 – 9:50 am on Lord’s day morning. Welcome to participate.


By Faith, Abraham∙∙∙∙∙∙

講員: 李君山 Speaker: J. Li
翻譯: 杨兆文 Translator: Z. Yang
領詩: 熊衛東 Song Leading: W. Xiong
司琴: 張仰晨 Pianist: H. Zhang
字幕: 孫 李 Projection: H. Shen
招待: 劉春燕 Usher: C. Liu
主日學: 張惠昕/潘卫军 Sunday School: H. Zhang/W. Pan

讀經Scriptures: [expand 徒Acts 7:2; 創Genesis 15:6; 來Hebrews 11:8-19; 太Matthew 22:32]

徒Acts 7:2
7:2 [hgb] 司 提 反 说 , 诸 位 父 兄 请 听 。 当 日 我 们 的 祖 宗 亚 伯 拉 罕 在 米 所 波 大 米 还 未 住 哈 兰 的 时 候 , 荣 耀 的 神 向 他 显 现 ,
[kjv] And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,

創Genesis 15:6
15:6 [hgb] 亚 伯 兰 信 耶 和 华 , 耶 和 华 就 以 此 为 他 的 义 。
[kjv] And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
來Hebrews 11:8-19
11:8 [hgb] 亚 伯 拉 罕 因 着 信 , 蒙 召 的 时 候 , 就 遵 命 出 去 , 往 将 来 要 得 为 业 的 地 方 去 。 出 去 的 时 候 , 还 不 知 往 哪 里 去 。
[kjv] By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
[bbe] By faith Abraham did as God said when he was ordered to go out into a place which was to be given to him as a heritage, and went out without knowledge of where he was going.
11:9 [hgb] 他 因 着 信 , 就 在 所 应 许 之 地 作 客 , 好 像 在 异 地 居 住 帐 棚 , 与 那 同 蒙 一 个 应 许 的 以 撒 , 雅 各 一 样 。
[kjv] By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
[bbe] By faith he was a wanderer in the land of the agreement, as in a strange land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who had a part with him in the same heritage:
11:10 [hgb] 因 为 他 等 候 那 座 有 根 基 的 城 , 就 是 神 所 经 营 所 建 造 的 。
[kjv] For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
[bbe] For he was looking for the strong town, whose builder and maker is God.
11:11 [hgb] 因 着 信 , 连 撒 拉 自 己 , 虽 然 过 了 生 育 的 岁 数 , 还 能 怀 孕 。 因 他 以 为 那 应 许 他 的 是 可 信 的 。
[kjv] Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.
[bbe] And by faith Sarah herself had power to give birth, when she was very old, because she had faith in him who gave his word;
11:12 [hgb] 所 以 从 一 个 仿 佛 已 死 的 人 就 生 出 子 孙 , 如 同 天 上 的 星 那 样 众 多 , 海 边 的 沙 那 样 无 数 。
[kjv] Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
[bbe] So that from one man, who was near to death, came children in number as the stars in heaven, or as the sand by the seaside, which may not be numbered.
11:13 [hgb] 这 些 人 都 是 存 着 信 心 死 的 , 并 没 有 得 着 所 应 许 的 , 却 从 远 处 望 见 , 且 欢 喜 迎 接 , 又 承 认 自 己 在 世 上 是 客 旅 , 是 寄 居 的 。
[kjv] These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
[bbe] All these came to their end in faith, not having had the heritage; but having seen it with delight far away, they gave witness that they were wanderers and not of the earth.
11:14 [hgb] 说 这 样 话 的 人 , 是 表 明 自 己 要 找 一 个 家 乡 。
[kjv] For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
[bbe] For those who say such things make it clear that they are searching for a country for themselves.
11:15 [hgb] 他 们 若 想 念 所 离 开 的 家 乡 , 还 有 可 以 回 去 的 机 会 。
[kjv] And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
[bbe] And truly if they had kept in mind the country from which they went out, they would have had chances of turning back.
11:16 [hgb] 他 们 却 羡 慕 一 个 更 美 的 家 乡 , 就 是 在 天 上 的 。 所 以 神 被 称 为 他 们 的 神 , 并 不 以 为 耻 。 因 为 他 已 经 给 他 们 预 备 了 一 座 城 。
[kjv] But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
[bbe] But now their desire is for a better country, that is to say, for one in heaven; and so it is no shame to God to be named their God; for he has made ready a town for them.
11:17 [hgb] 亚 伯 拉 罕 因 着 信 , 被 试 验 的 时 候 , 就 把 以 撒 献 上 。 这 便 是 那 欢 喜 领 受 应 许 的 , 将 自 己 独 生 的 儿 子 献 上 。
[kjv] By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
[bbe] By faith Abraham made an offering of Isaac, when he was tested: and he with whom the agreement had been made gave up as an offering the only son of his body,
11:18 [hgb] 论 到 这 儿 子 曾 有 话 说 , 从 以 撒 生 的 才 要 称 为 你 的 后 裔 。
[kjv] Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
[bbe] Of whom it had been said, From Isaac will your seed take their name:
11:19 [hgb] 他 以 为 神 还 能 叫 人 从 死 里 复 活 。 他 也 仿 佛 从 死 中 得 回 他 的 儿 子 来 。
[kjv] Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
[bbe] Judging that God was able to give life even to the dead; and because of this he did get him back as if from death.
太Matthew 22:32
22:32 [hgb] 他 说 , 我 是 亚 伯 拉 罕 的 神 , 以 撒 的 神 , 雅 各 的 神 。 神 不 是 死 人 的 神 , 乃 是 活 人 的 神 。
[kjv] I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.



    一、亞伯拉罕的神(生命與生活的原則)God of Abraham (Life Principles)
    a. 異像的原則 Principle of the Heavenly Vision
    b. 恩典的原則 Principle of Grace
    c. 信心的原則 Principle of Faith
    d. 順服的原則 Principle of Obedience
    e. 祭壇生活的原則 Principle of Altar Life
    f. 寄居生活的原則 Principle of A Sojourner’s Life
    二、亞伯拉罕得勝生命的果效 The Victorious Outcome of the Life of Abraham
    a. 多囯之父 Father of Nations
    b. 信心之父 Father of Faith
    c. 亞伯拉罕是神的朋友 God’s Friend
    d. 亞伯拉罕的祝福 Blessings of Abraham

聖 徒 交 通

1. 下周五晚上7:30查經聚會交通林前第七章;
2. 周六晚上我們有年輕人的聚會,請邀請年輕的弟兄姊妹參加,聯係人:Krystal & Kurtis Huang;
3. 4月13日(周六)教會將舉行一次春游,去Huntington Library. 報名費$10. 請向兆文或衛東弟兄報名;
4. 求主醫治看顧身體軟弱的弟兄姊妹們;
5. 主日上午擘餅聚會前9:20-9:50之間在教會有讀經時間,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。
Announcements and Prayers
1. We will share 1 Corinthians 7 on our Friday night Bible fellowship time at 7:30 pm;
2. We will have Saturday night youth meeting. Please invite our youth to participate. Contact Krystal & Kurtis Huang for more details;
3. We will have a special Spring outing to Huntington Library. Please register with Bro. Yang or Bro. Xiong. The fee is $10 per person;
4. May the Lord heal and watch over the saints with health needs;
5. There is a Bible reading time between 9:20 – 9:50 am before the breaking of bread meeting. We encourage the saints to participate.


Only Jesus

講員Speaker: 梁家聲 Timothy Liang
翻譯Translator:沈靜媛 Alice Shen
領詩 Song Leading: 林博明 Po-Ming Lin
司琴 Pianist: 卓繼芬 Colleen Cho
詩歌 Hymns: S248 除祢以外; H573 僕人的眼睛
讀經Scriptures: [expand 太 Matthew 17:8,太Matthew 16:13-17,太Matthew 16:28, 17:1-3
,太Matthew 17:4-8,約 John 12:20-21,約John 1:14,彼前1 Peter 1:8,詩Psalm 73:25-26,出Exodus 21:5-6,詩Psalm 123:1-2]

太 Matthew 17:8
太Matthew 16:13-17
太 16:13 耶穌到了該撒利亞腓立比的境內、就問門徒說、人說我人子是誰。14他們說、有人說是施洗的約翰.有人說是以利亞.又有人說是耶利米、或是先知裏的一位。15耶穌說、你們說我是誰。
太 16:16 西門彼得回答說、你是基督、是永生 神的兒子。17耶穌對他說、西門巴約拿、你是有福的.因為這不是屬血肉的指示你的、乃是我在天上的父指示的。

太Matthew 16:28, 17:1-3
太 16:28 我實在告訴你們、站在這裏的、有人在沒嘗死味以前、必看見人子降臨在他的國裏。
太 17:1 過了六天、耶穌帶著彼得、雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰、暗暗的上了高山.2就在他們面前變了形像.臉面明亮如日頭、衣裳潔白如光。3忽然有摩西、以利亞、向他們顯現、同耶穌說話。
太Matthew 17:4-8
太 17:4 彼得對耶穌說、主阿、我們在這裏真好.你若願意、我就在這裏搭三座棚、一座為你、一座為摩西、一座為以利亞。
太 17:5 說話之間、忽然有一朵光明的雲彩遮蓋他們.且有聲音從雲彩裏出來說、這是我的愛子、我所喜悅的.你們要聽他。6門徒聽見、就俯伏在地、極其害怕。7耶穌進前來、摸他們說、起來、不要害怕。8他們舉目不見一人、只見耶穌在那裏。
約 John 12:20-21
約 12:20 那時、上來過節禮拜的人中、有幾個希利尼人。21他們來見加利利伯賽大的腓力、求他說、先生、我們願意見耶穌。
約 12:20 那時、上來過節禮拜的人中、有幾個希利尼人。21他們來見加利利伯賽大的腓力、求他說、先生、我們願意見耶穌。
約John 1:14
約 1:14 道成了肉身、住在我們中間、充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光、正是父獨生子的榮光。
彼前1 Peter 1:8
彼前 1:8 你們雖然沒有見過他、卻是愛他.如今雖不得看見、卻因信他就有說不出來、滿有榮光的大喜樂.

詩Psalm 73:25-26
詩 73:25 除你以外、在天上我有誰呢‧除你以外、在地上我也沒有所愛慕的。26我的肉體、和我的心腸衰殘‧但 神是我心裏的力量、又是我的福分、直到永遠。
出Exodus 21:5-6
出 21:5 倘或奴僕明說、我愛我的主人、和我的妻子兒女、不願意自由出去.6他的主人就要帶他到審判官那裏、〔審判官或作 神下同〕又要帶他到門前、靠近門框、用錐子穿他的耳朵、他就永遠服事主人。
詩Psalm 123:1-2
詩 123:1 〔上行之詩。〕坐在天上的主阿、我向你舉目。2看哪、僕人的眼睛怎樣望主人的手、使女的眼睛怎樣望主母的手、我們的眼睛也照樣望耶和華我們的 神、直到他憐憫我們。



    一、基督與國度的啟示 Revelation of Christ & Kingdom
    (一) 人子是誰?太16:13-17
    Who is the Son of Man? Matthew 16:13-17
    (二) 屬天國度的異象: 太 16:28, 17:1-3
    Heavenly Vision of the Kingdom: Matthew 16:28, 17:1-3
    (三) 屬天國度惟有耶穌:太17:4-8
    Jesus Only in Heavenly Kingdom: Matthew 17:4-8
    二、我們要見耶穌 We want to see Jesus: 約 John 12:20-21
    (一) 信心的看見-因信就有滿有榮光的大喜樂:約1:14,彼前1:8
    Through Faith, we have fulness of glorious joy:John 1:14,1 Peter 1:8

    (二) 只見耶穌-主成為我們生活與事奉的中心:詩73:25-26
    Jesus Only – Lord is the center of our life and services:
    Psalm 73:25-26

    (三) 重價買回的僕人-眼睛望耶和華我們的神:出 21:5-6,詩123:1-2
    Servant bought with a high price – Look upon the Lord:
    Exodus 21:5-6, Psalm 123:1-2

聖 徒 交 通

报告与代祷 Announcements and Prayers:
1. 下周五晚上7:30查經聚會交通林前第六章 We will share 1 Corinthians 6 on our Friday night Bible fellowship time at 7:30 pm;
2. 周六晚上我們有年輕人的聚會,請邀請年輕的弟兄姊妹參加,聯係人:Krystal & Kurtis Huang。We will have Saturday night youth meeting. Please invite young brothers and sisters to participate. Contact Krystal and Kurtis Huang for more details;
3. 求主醫治看顧身體軟弱的弟兄姊妹們 May the Lord heal and watch over the saints with health needs;
4. 主日上午擘餅聚會前9:20-9:50之間在教會有讀經時間,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。 There is a Bible reading time between 9:20 – 9:50 am before the breaking of bread meeting. We encourage the saints to participate.


The Secrete of the Lord

講員: 劉以示 翻譯: 楊兆文
領詩: 柯冬青 司琴: Kurtis
讀經: [expand 詩篇Psalm 25: 1-2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 21]
25:1 〔 大 衛 的 詩 。 〕 耶 和 華 阿 、 我 的 心 仰 望 你 。
25:2 我 的   神 阿 、 我 素 來 倚 靠 你 . 求 你 不 要 叫 我 羞 愧 . 不 要 叫 我 的 仇 敵 向 我 誇 勝 。

25:4 耶 和 華 阿 、 求 你 將 你 的 道 指 示 我 、 將 你 的 路 教 訓 我 。

25:7 求 你 不 要 記 念 我 幼 年 的 罪 愆 、 和 我 的 過 犯 。 耶 和 華 阿 、 求 你 因 你 的 恩 惠 、 按 你 的 慈 愛 記 念 我 。

25:11 耶 和 華 阿 、 求 你 因 你 的 名 赦 免 我 的 罪 、 因 為 我 的 罪 重 大 。

25:14 耶 和 華 與 敬 畏 他 的 人 親 密 . 他 必 將 自 己 的 約 指 示 他 們 。

25:21 願 純 全 正 直 保 守 我 、 因 為 我 等 候 你 。



    一. 隱藏的仇敵 Hidden enemy
    二. 仇敵是誰?Who is the enemy?
    三. 前後聯貫 Consistency
    四. 潔淨自己 Purifying oneself
    五. 詩篇26篇: 表明無辜 Expressing innocence
    六. 詩篇27-28篇: 左右為難 Perplexed
    七. 揭密之路 The way to the secrete

聖 徒 交 通

1. 求主復興教會,興起神兒女以基督的心為心,起來發光為主做見證;
2. 今天午餐後1:00pm在圖書室有月底服事聚會,弟兄姊妹請留步參加;
3. 下個主日3月3日 Culver City因為有比賽,部分道路從上午7:00am 到下午6:00pm會關閉禁止通行,弟兄姊妹來教會請提前安排好交通路線,以免堵車不能按時來教會;
4. 求主醫治看顧身體軟弱的弟兄姊妹們;
5. 主日上午擘餅聚會前9:20-9:50之間在教會有讀經時間,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。