2019 Sunday Messages

2019/1/6李君山亞伯因著信: 因信稱義創Genesis 4:1 – 12, 4:25; 來Hebrews 11:4, 12:24; 約一1 John 3:11-12; 太Matthew 23:35; 路Luke 11:51一 亞伯啓示出一條回家的道路
二 亞伯與該隱的對比
三 亞伯是牧羊的
四 亞伯的祭(禮物)與亞伯的血
五 亞伯因着信…
六 聖經中第二的原則
七 亞伯生命中的屬靈原則在我們生命中的應用
2019/1/13劉以示耶和華是我牧者詩篇Psalms 23: 1-6 一. 牧人篇 Psalms of the Shepherd
二. 詩篇22篇簡介 Brief introduction to Psalm 22
三. 詩篇24篇簡介 Brief introduction to Psalm 24
四. 詩篇23篇 Psalm 23

由他而你 From Him to You
初步的經歷 Initial Experience
往前的經歷 Advancing Experience
進入豐盛 Entering into abundance
住在殿中 Dwelling in the House of the Lord
經歷全足全豐的神 Experiencing the All Sufficient God
2019/1/20李君山以諾因著信: 因信得榮耀(被提)創Genesis 5:18-24; 來Hebrews 11:5-6; 猶大書Jude 1:14-15一. 第二個人與第二天的關係
二. 以諾“與神同行三百年”
三. “以諾活到65嵗…”
四. “神將他取去,他就不在世了…”
五. 以諾得着神喜悅他的明證
六. “要在衆人身上行審判…”
七. 以諾與我個人在主面前的經歷與學習的見證
2019/1/27史伯誠第七篇 三個生命四個律讀經: 罗Romans 7:4-6, 15-17, 18-25; 8:1-4 一. 因基督的身體向律法死了,使我們服事主按著聖靈的新樣,不按著儀文的舊樣
二. 肢體的律將我擄去,附從肢體中犯罪的律
三. 我以內心順服神的律,肉體卻順服罪的律
四. 誰能救我脫離這取死之身
五. 賜生命之聖靈的律在基督耶穌裡釋放了我
2019/2/3史伯誠第八篇 聖靈的傑出經歷
讀經: 罗Romans 8:3-4, 5-6, 9-10; 民Numbers 21:4-9一. 偉大的銅蛇救恩與隨從聖靈
二. 體貼肉體的就是死,體貼聖靈的乃是生命平安
三. 神的靈若住在你們心裡,你們就不屬肉體,乃屬靈了
四. 復蘇的靈
五. 兒子的靈
2019/2/10史伯誠第九篇 聖靈引我們經歷神的浩大救恩讀經: 罗Romans 8:11, 14-17, 18-25 一. 治死的靈與代禱的靈
二. 兒子的靈與同基督一同作後嗣
三. 萬事互相效力使我們得益處
四. 預定, 蒙召, 稱義, 得榮
五. 浩大救恩
2019/2/17李君山挪亞因著信:建造方舟讀經: 創Genesis 6:9, 6:22; 來Hebrews 11:7; 太Matthew 24:37-39; 彼后2 Peter 2:5 一. 挪亞的時代
二. 惟有挪亞在耶和華眼前蒙恩
三. 挪亞建造方舟
四. 挪亞全家在方舟裏的生活和屬靈意義
五. 結語
2019/2/24劉以示耶和華的秘密 The Secret of the Lord讀經: 詩篇Psalm 25: 1-2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 21 一. 隱藏的仇敵 Hidden enemy
二. 仇敵是誰?Who is the enemy?
三. 前後聯貫 Consistency
四. 潔淨自己 Purifying oneself
五. 詩篇26篇: 表明無辜 Expressing innocence
六. 詩篇27-28篇: 左右為難 Perplexed
七. 揭密之路 The way to the secret
2019/3/3梁家聲 Timothy Liang不見一人—只見耶穌 Only Jesus讀經Scriptures: 太 Matthew 17:8,太Matthew 16:13-17,太Matthew 16:28, 17:1-3
,太Matthew 17:4-8,約 John 12:20-21,約John 1:14,彼前1 Peter 1:8,詩Psalm 73:25-26,出Exodus 21:5-6,詩Psalm 123:1-2
一、基督與國度的啟示 Revelation of Christ & Kingdom
(一) 人子是誰?太16:13-17
Who is the Son of Man? Matthew 16:13-17
(二) 屬天國度的異象: 太 16:28, 17:1-3
Heavenly Vision of the Kingdom: Matthew 16:28, 17:1-3
(三) 屬天國度惟有耶穌:太17:4-8
Jesus Only in Heavenly Kingdom: Matthew 17:4-8
二、我們要見耶穌 We want to see Jesus: 約 John 12:20-21
(一) 信心的看見-因信就有滿有榮光的大喜樂:約1:14,彼前1:8
Through Faith, we have fulness of glorious joy:John 1:14,1 Peter 1:8
(二) 只見耶穌-主成為我們生活與事奉的中心:詩73:25-26
Jesus Only – Lord is the center of our life and services:
Psalm 73:25-26
(三) 重價買回的僕人-眼睛望耶和華我們的神:出 21:5-6,詩123:1-2
Servant bought with a high price – Look upon the Lord:
Exodus 21:5-6, Psalm 123:1-2
2019/3/10李君山 Jonathan Li亞伯拉罕因著信 By Faith, Abraham∙∙∙∙∙∙讀經Scriptures: 徒Acts 7:2; 創Genesis 15:6; 來Hebrews 11:8-19; 太Matthew 22:32 一、亞伯拉罕的神(生命與生活的原則)God of Abraham (Life Principles)
a. 異像的原則 Principle of the Heavenly Vision
b. 恩典的原則 Principle of Grace
c. 信心的原則 Principle of Faith
d. 順服的原則 Principle of Obedience
e. 祭壇生活的原則 Principle of Altar Life
f. 寄居生活的原則 Principle of A Sojourner’s Life
二、亞伯拉罕得勝生命的果效 The Victorious Outcome of the Life of Abraham
a. 多囯之父 Father of Nations
b. 信心之父 Father of Faith
c. 亞伯拉罕是神的朋友 God’s Friend
d. 亞伯拉罕的祝福 Blessings of Abraham
2019/3/17史伯誠 Newman Sze第十篇 神的絕對主權 God’s Absolute Authority讀經Scriptures: 羅Romans 9:15-16;10:9-11,15-18;11:30-32,33-36 一、 不在那定意的,不在那奔跑的,只在發憐憫的神—放下猶太民族,揀選教會
God laid aside the nation of Israel, chose the Church – It is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy (Romans 9:16)
二、 口裡承認耶穌是主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復活就必得救—信主的道
The Word of Truth – If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved (Romans 10:9)
三、 他們的腳蹤何等佳美,他們的聲音傳遍天下,他們的言語傳到地級
Gospel went out to the whole Earth – How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world (Romans 10: 15b, 18b)
四、 神將眾人都圈在不順服之中,為要憐恤眾人
God’s Mercy Upon All – God has concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all (Romans 11:32)
五、 因為萬有都是本于他,依靠他,歸給他,願榮耀歸於他直到永遠
Of him, and Through him, and To him, are all things – For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever (Romans 11:36)
2019/3/24史伯誠 N. Sze第十一篇 身體的啓示與事奉的學習
Message 11: Revelation of the Body of Christ
and Practice in Services
讀經Scriptures: 羅Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 9-16, 20羅Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 9-16, 20 一、 將身體獻上當作活祭,如此事奉是自自然然的
To present your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable (spontaneous) service (Romans 12:1).
二、 不要效法這個世界,要心思更新變化,察驗神可喜悅的旨意
Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
三、 要照著神所分給的信心, 看得合乎中道
To think soberly, according as God hath dealt to each man a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).
四、 我們這許多人在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another (Romans 12:5).
五、 愛弟兄, 要彼此親熱, 要心裏火熱, 常常服事主
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love. Be fervent in spirit; serving the Lord (Romans 12:10, 11).
2019/3/31史伯誠 N. Sze第十二篇 基督身體兩件最重要的事
– 權柄與愛
Message 12: The Two Most Important Matters Concerning the Body of Christ: Authority and Love
羅Romans 13:1-2, 5-7, 8, 10, 11-14 一、 羅保用人的身體來説明基督的身體
Apostle Paul use a human body to illustrate the body of Christ
二、 基督身體每一肢體都在權柄下
Every member of the body of Christ must be under the authority of Christ
三、 我們所領受的生命都是服權柄的生命
The life we received from Christ is the one that obeys authority
四、 愛是基督身體最大的生命
Love is the greatest expression of life in the body of Christ
五、 我們得救的日子近了,現在是該趁早睡醒的時候
The day of our salvation is drawing nigh. It’s time for us to wake up early to meet Him
2019/4/7李君山 Jonathan Li以撒因著信…:應許之子
By Faith Isaac…: The Son of Promise
讀經Scriptures: 創Genesis 17:15-16, 19; 出Exodus 3:6; 希Hebrews 11:17-20; 羅Romans 9:7-9
一、 高處的生命与深処的生命
The Higher Life & The Deeper Life
二、 以撒的神
God of Isaac
三、 以撒愛以扫的野味
Isaac’s Weakness-Carnal Love
四、 結語
2019/4/14刘以示Ernest Liu七雷的震撼
The Shock of the Seven Thunders
讀經Scriptures: 詩篇 Psalms 29: 1-11; 32:8-9 一. 詩篇29篇到底在說什麼? What is Psalm 29 about?
二. 七雷的震撼 The Shock of the Seven Thunders
三. 約伯的例子 The Case of Job
四. 馴服 (詩篇32篇) Tamed (Psalm 32)
五. 大衛的禱告 The Prayers of David
六. 主的回應 The Response of the Lord
2019/4/21李君山 Jonathan Li復活的見證
Testimony of Resurrection
讀經Scriptures: 路加福音 Luke 24:13-32 ;約翰福音 John 20:11-18, 21:1-14; 希伯來書 Hebrews 13:8 復活的見證
Testimony of Resurrection
2019/4/28梁家聲 Timothy Liang不知別的—只知耶穌基督並祂釘十字架
Knowing Nothing Else, Save Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified
讀經Scriptures: 林前 2:1,2,3, 1:22-23; 西 2:2; 加 2:20 ; 路 9:23; 彼前 4:1; 提後 2:3-5; 腓 2:25
一. 十字架與父、子、聖靈 The Cross and God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
a. 父神的奧秘 The Secret of God the Father
b. 基督的位格與工作 The Person and Work of Christ
c. 聖靈的工作與見證 The Work and Testimony of the Holy Spirit

二. 十字架的知道與活出 Knowing (Experiencing) and Living out the Reality of the Cross
a. 啟示與經歷的知道-同釘十字架 Knowing by Revelation and Experience – Co-crucify with Christ
b. 心思與心志的定意-背起十字架The Determination of Our Mind and Our Will – Bearing the Cross
c. 基督耶穌的精兵—一同當兵的 Good Soldiers of Christ Jesus – Fellow Soldiers
2019/5/5李君山 Jonathan Li雅各因著信…:因信成聖
By Faith Jacob…: Sanctification by Faith
(through the Work of the Cross and the Holy Spirit)
讀經Scriptures: 創 Gen. 47:9,48:15-16;來 Heb.11:21;羅 Rom. 9:10–13; 詩Psm. 84:8; 赛 Isa. 11:14
一. 神藉著十字架揀選雅各作祂要雕塑的器皿 A Chosen Vessel of the Cross by God
二. 雅各的關係:十字架的環境 – Jacob’s Relationships – the Environment of the Cross
三. 雅各與人與神較力:十字架的破碎與對付 Jacob Wrestling with Man and God:The Breakings and Dealings of the Cross
四. 雅各的見證:十字架的見證 Jacob’s Testimony: The Testimony of the Cross
五. 雅各的祝福:十字架的祝福 The Blessing’s of Jacob:The Blessing of the Cross
六. 雅各的神(以色列的聖者,大能者)- 神藉著十字架工作在雅各身上 The God of Jacob – The Work of God through the Cross
七. 被成全的雅各 – 十字架工作的成全 Israel – The Perfected Jacob – Perfected by the Work of the Cross
八. 結語 Summary
2019/5/12史伯誠 Newman Sze第十三篇:教會的治理
The Administration of the Church
讀經Scriptures: 羅 Romans 14:1-3, 7-9, 11-12, 17-21 一. 教會的意義 – 被召出來的一群
— 接納一切主所接納的
The meaning of the Church – The Called out Ones
— Receive all those whom the Lord receives.
二. 主是死人並活人的主
— 我們或活或死總是主的人
Our Lord is Lord of both the dead and the living.
— We are the Lord’s whether we live or we die.
三. 萬口承認,萬膝跪拜
— 我們都要站在審判台前
Every tongue shall confess, and every knee shall bow.
— We shall all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ
四. 不可因食物毀壞神的工程
— 不可論斷弟兄
Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of meat.
— Do not judge your brother.
五. 保羅的榜樣 The Example of Paul
— 追求和睦 Pursue Peace and Unity.
2019/5/19史伯誠 Newman Sze第十四篇:保罗对罗马教会的嘱咐
Paul’s Commands to Church in Rome
讀經Scriptures: 羅 Romans 15:1-2,5-6,9-11,15-16,21,30 一. 坚固的人应当担代不坚固的人软弱
— 不求自己的喜悦
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak
— And not to please ourselves.
二. 同心的重要
— 一心一口荣耀神
The importance of Oneness
— With one mind and one mouth glorify God.
三. 我要在外邦中称赞你,歌颂你的名
— 外邦啊!你们当赞美主
I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy
— Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles!
四. 用神迹奇事的能力,圣灵的能力
— 使外邦人顺服
By the power of miracles, wonders, and the Holy Spirit
— to make the Gentiles obedient.
五. 未曾闻知祂信息的将要看见
— 未曾听过的将要明白
To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see:
— and they that have not heard shall understand.
六. 藉著我们主耶稣基督,又藉著圣灵的爱
— 劝你们与我一同竭力祈求
By our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit,
— Now I beseech you, brethren, that ye strive together with me in your prayers!
2019/5/26史伯誠 Newman Sze第十五篇:保羅對諸事的安排
Paul’s Final Greetings and Instructions
讀經Scriptures: 羅 Romans 1:16-17; 16:1-5, 13, 18-20, 25-26 一. 羅馬書的題目是本于信以致于信
The central theme of Romans is “from faith to faith.”
二. 保罗最初问安的三位圣徒
(一) 曾帮助許多人的腓比
(二) 同工百基拉和亞居拉
(三) 初結的果子
Paul’s special first greetings to the three saints:
1. To Phoebe – a helper of many;
2. To Priscilla and Aquila – his fellow-workers in Christ Jesus;
3. To Epaenetus – the first-fruits of Asia unto Christ.
三. 問魯孚安 —主在十字架的偉大果子
Salute Rufus — the marvelous fruit of the Cross of the Lord.
四. 賜平安的神把撒旦踏在你們腳下
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.
五. 这奥秘在圣灵里已经显明出来,使万民信服真道
Now the mystery is manifested by the Holy Spirit, and is made known unto all the nations unto obedience of faith.
2019/6/2李君山 Jonathan Li雅各因著信…:十字架的破碎與對付
By Faith Jacob…: The Breaking Through The Cross
讀經Scriptures: 創世纪 Genesis 32:22-30
一. 雅各的出生 Jacob’s Birth
二. 雅各取得長子名份與祝福 Jacob took the right and blessings of the first born son.
三. 雅各第一次遇見神 Jacob met God the first time.
四. 雅各在拉班手下受對付 Jacob was dealt in the hands of Laban.
五. 雅各與神摔跤被神破碎而蒙祝福 Jacob wrestled with God, broken but blessed by God.
2019/6/9劉以示Ernest Liu方舟之歌
The Psalm of the Ark
讀經Scriptures: 詩篇 36 Psalm 36 一. 精彩絕倫 A marvelous psalm
二. 內容分段 Sections
三. 洪水之前 Before the Flood
四. 方舟之中 Inside the Ark
五. 洪水之後 After the Flood
2019/6/16 梁家聲 Timothy Liang將神表明出來-香氣、薦信、鏡子The Manifestation of God – Fragrance, Letters of Recommendation, and Mirror
讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Corinthians 4:7, 2:14, 3:1,17一、要「顯揚香氣」Manifest The Fragrance of Christ (林後 2 Corinthians 2:14-16)

林後 2:14 感謝 神!常帥領我們在基督裏誇勝,並藉著我們在各處顯揚那因認識基督而有的香氣。15因為我們在 神面前,無論在得救的人身上,或滅亡的人身上,都有基督馨香之氣。16在這等人,就作了死的香氣叫他死.在那等人,就作了活的香氣叫他活.這事誰能當得起呢?

二、要「修成薦信」Being Made Manifest That You Are An Epistle of Christ (林後 2 Corinthians 3:1-3)

林後 3:1 我們豈是又舉薦自己麼?豈像別人,用人的薦信給你們,或用你們的薦信給人麼?2你們就是我們的薦信,寫在我們的心裏,被眾人所知道所念誦的。3你們明顯是基督的信,藉著我們修成的.不是用墨寫的,乃是用永生 神的靈寫的.不是寫在石版上,乃是寫在心版上。

三、要「如鏡反照」Are Transformed According To The Same Image As In A Mirror (林後 2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

林後 3:17 主就是那靈.主的靈在那裏,那裏就得以自由。18我們眾人既然敞著臉,得以看見主的榮光,好像從鏡子裏返照,就變成主的形狀,榮上加榮,如同從主的靈變成的。
2019/6/23李君山 Jonathan Li 雅各:神的揀選
Jacob: The Chosen One of God
讀經Scriptures: 創 Gen. 25:19-26, 羅 Rom. 9:10-13, 弗 Eph. 1:3-12; 加Gal.1:15,3:16;耶 Jer. 1:5. 雅各是我所愛的;以掃是我所惡的。Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.
神從創立世界以前,在基督裡揀選了我們。He chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation of the world.
早在我們出母腹前,神就在祂的兒子基督裏揀選了我們。God has chosen us in His Son Christ even when we were in our mother’s womb.
因為他預先所知道的人,就預先定下效法他兒子的模樣 Because whom he has foreknown, he has also predestinated conformed to the image of his Son.
神只揀選祂的愛子耶穌基督,並在基督裏面揀選教會 God only chose His beloved Son Jesus Christ, and chose the church in Christ.
神揀選我們的目的 The Purpose why God chose us
2019/6/30李君山 Jonathan Li與神與人較力的雅各
Jacob: The Wrestler
讀經Scriptures: 創世纪 Genesis 25: 21-26, 32: 22-31; 何西阿書 Hosea 12:2-4, 詩篇 Psalms 24: 6. 雅各與他哥哥以掃較力 Jacob wrestling with his brother Esau
與父親以撒較力 Wrestling with his father Isaac
與舅舅(也是岳父)拉班摔跤 Wrestling with his uncle Laban
雅各與他的妻子較力 Wrestling with his wives
雅各與神較力 Wrestling with God
結語 Summary
2019/7/4 – 2017/7/7夏令會 (2019/7/4 – 2017/7/7)拿撒勒人耶穌夏令會
2019/7/14史伯誠Newman Sze顯揚那因認識基督而有的香氣 Make Manifest the Savor of the Knowledge of Christ by Us讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 1:12, 19-20, 21-22, 2:14-16; 加 Gal. 3:8,14, 15-16.1 在世為人不靠人的聰明,乃靠神的恩典 In simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God

2 神的應許不論有多少,在基督都是是的,藉著祂都是阿們 For whatever promises of God, in Him is the yea, and in Him the amen.

3 神用印印了我們,並賜聖靈在我們裏面作憑據 Who also has sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

4 常率領我們在基督裏誇勝,顯揚那因認識基督而有的馨香之氣 Who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and makes manifest through us the savor of His knowledge.
2019/7/21史伯誠Newman Sze第二篇: 寶貝放在瓦器裡顯明莫大的能力
Lesson Two: The Treasure in Earthen Vessels Manifests the Excellency of the Power
讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor.3:2-6, 3:17-18;
林後 2 Cor.4:4-6, 4:7-13, 4:16-18.

1. 神指頭的工作 – 你們明顯是基督的信 The Finger work of God – Being manifested to be Christ’s Epistle.

2. 主就是那靈, 榮上加榮如同從主的靈變成的 Now the Lord is the Spirit, We are transformed from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

3. 我們原不是傳自己、乃是傳基督耶穌為主 For we preach not Ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord.

4. 寶貝放在瓦器裏要顯明這莫大的能力是出於神, 不是出於我們 We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
5. 外面的人雖然毀壞, 裏面的人卻一天新似一天 Though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day.
2019/7/28史伯誠 Newman Sze第三篇: 基督的愛激勵我們 – 使我們為替我們死而復活的主活
Lesson Three: For the love of the Christ constrains us, so that we should no longer live unto ourselves, but unto Him who for our sakes died and rose again.
讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor.5:1-5, 7-10, 13-16, 17-18.題綱Outlines:

1. 暫時的帳棚與永久的房屋 The Temporary Tabernacle and the Eternal House

2. 培植我們的就是神,祂又賜給我們聖靈作憑據 He that wrought us for this very thing is God, who gave unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

3. 我們眾人必要在基督臺前顯露出來 We must all be made manifest before the judgment-seat of Christ.

4. 原來基督的愛激勵我們,使我們為替我們死而復活的主活 For the love of the Christ constrains us, so that we should no longer live unto ourselves, but unto Him who for our sakes died and rose again.

5. 若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。 So if anyone in Christ, a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!

6. 將勸人與神和好的職分賜給我們 Gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation with God.
2019/8/4李君山 Jonathan Li雅各是我所愛的, 以掃是我所惡的 Jacob I Loved, But Esau I Hated讀經Scriptures: 羅Rom.9:11-13,來Heb.12:16-17,林前 1 Cor. 15:45-48,腓Phil.3:17-21,俄Oba.18,21.題綱Outlines:

1. 天然生命與屬靈生命的起點The Origin of Natural Life and Spiritual Life

2. 天然生命與屬靈生命的特徵The Characteristics of Natural Life and Spiritual Life

3. 天然生命與屬靈生命的發展The Development of Natural Life and Spiritual Life

4. 天然生命與屬靈生命的結局The Outcome of Natural Life and Spiritual Life

5. 天然生命與屬靈生命的比較(參考):The Comparison of Natural Life and Spiritual Life (for reference): http://3leducation.com/Message-References/The-Comparison-of-Jacob-VS-Esau.pdf
2019/8/11劉以示 Ernest Liu承受地土 Inheriting the Earth讀經Scriptures: 詩篇 Psalm 37:1, 3-6, 7-11.題綱Outlines:

1. 深處的安慰和激勵 A Deep Comfort and Encouragement

2. 不要心懷不平 Do not Fret

3. 在逆境當中 In Adversity

4. 奇妙的應許 A Wonderful Promise

5. 依靠耶和華而行善 Trust in the Lord and Do Good

6. 以耶和華為樂 Delight in the Lord

7. 末了的話 A Final Word
2019/8/18梁家聲 Timothy Liang昨日、明日、今日 Yesterday, Tomorrow, Today讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 1:10, 6:2, 來 Heb. 3:12-13, 13:8, 腓 Phil. 3:13-14, 詩 Psa. 103:2-4, 箴 Prov. 27:1, 雅 Jam. 4:13-15, 太 Mat. 6:33-34.詩歌Hymns: 621 讓耶穌來進入你心 Let Jesus Come into Your Heart



(一) 忘記背後努力面前的 Forgetting the things behind, and stretching out to the things before.

(二) 不可忘記神的一切恩惠 Forget not all His benefits.


(一) 不要為明日自誇 Boast not thyself of tomorrow.

(二) 不要為明日憂慮 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow.


(一) 總要趁著還有今日As long as it is called Today.

(二) 現在正是悅納的時候 Now is the acceptable time.

參考經文Scripture References

林後 6:2 因為他說:『在悅納的時候,我應允了你.在拯救的日子,我搭救了你。』看哪!現在正是悅納的時候,現在正是拯救的日子。

來 13:8 耶穌基督,昨日、今日、一直到永遠是一樣的。

腓 3:13 弟兄們,我不是以為自己已經得著了.我只有一件事,就是忘記背後努力面前的,14向著標竿直跑,要得神在基督耶穌裏從上面召我來得的獎賞。

詩 103:2 我的心哪!你要稱頌耶和華,不可忘記祂的一切恩惠。3祂赦免你的一切罪孽,醫治你的一切疾病。4祂救贖你的命脫離死亡,以仁愛和慈悲為你的冠冕。

箴 27:1不要為明日自誇,因為一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。

雅 4:13 嗐!你們有話說,今天明天我們要往某城裏去,在那裏住一年,作買賣得利.14其實明天如何,你們還不知道。你們的生命是甚麼呢?你們原來是一片雲霧,出現少時就不見了。15你們只當說,主若願意,我們就可以活著,也可以作這事、或作那事。

太 6:33 你們要先求祂的國,和祂的義.這些東西都要加給你們了。34所以不要為明天憂慮.因為明天自有明天的憂慮.一天的難處一天當就彀了。

林後 1:10 祂曾救我們脫離那極大的死亡,現在仍要救我們,並且我們指望祂將來還要救我們。

來 3:12 弟兄們,你們要謹慎,免得你們中間,或有人存著不信的惡心,把永生 神離棄了.13總要趁著還有今日,天天彼此相勸,免得你們中間,有人被罪迷惑,心裏就剛硬了。
2019/8/25李君山 Jonathan Li生養衆多 Be Fruitful and Multiply Play Audio讀經Scriptures: 創 Gen. 1:27-28, 22:16-18, 28:3-4, 48:3-4, 48:15-16, 出 Exo. 7,12a: 詩 Psa. 122:6-7, 得 Rut. 4:11-12, 來 Heb. 2:10.詩歌Hymns: 597 禾梱帶回來Bringing in the Sheaves


生養衆多是神的旨意 Be fruitful and multiply is the will of God

生養衆多是神的祝福 Be fruitful and multiply is the blessing of God

生養衆多是神的應許 Be fruitful and multiply is the promise of God

生養衆多是靠神的恩典、能力、智慧、和生命 Be fruitful and multiply is by the grace, power, wisdom, and life of God:
生養衆多是靠神賜的信心 Be fruitful and multiply is by the faith given by God;
生養衆多是靠神賜的愛心 Be fruitful and multiply is by the love given by God;
生養衆多是靠神賜的盼望 Be fruitful and multiply is by the hope given by God.
生養衆多是神恢復的工作 Be fruitful and multiply is the restoration work of God
仇敵的逼迫與攔阻反而使我們生養衆多 The persecution and difficulties makes us more fruitful and multiply more;
生養衆多使神的名得著榮耀 Be fruitful and multiply will bring glory to God’s name.

2019/9/1史伯誠 Newman Sze第四篇 我們爭戰的兵器乃是在神面前有能力
For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God
讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 6:1-2, 14-16; 8:9, 8:15; 10:3-5, 10:15.詩歌Hymns: 671 超乎萬名之上的名 The Name Which Is above Every Name


現在正是悅納的時候,拯救的日子 Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation!

你們和不信的原不相配, 不要同負一軛 Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers.

主耶穌基督的恩典, 祂本來富足,卻為我們成了貧窮 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sakes He, being rich, became poor.

收的也沒有餘, 少收的也沒有缺 He that gathered much had nothing over; and he that gathered little had no lack.

我們爭戰的兵器乃是在神面前有能力, 攻破一切的營壘 For the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
你們信心的增長和量給我們的界缐的擴展 As your faith grows, we shall be magnified in you according to our province unto further abundance.

2019/9/8史伯誠 Newman Sze第五篇 主因軟弱被釘十字架,卻因神的大能仍然活著
Christ has been crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God’s power
讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 11:2-3, 14-15, 29; 12:2-4, 7-9; 13:3-4, 11, 14.
詩歌Hymns: 411 耶穌,我今歡然安息 Jesus! I am Resting, Resting


把你們許配給基督,如同貞潔的童女,獻給基督。 I have espoused you to Christ, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

撒但也裝作光明的天使。 For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

有誰軟弱,我不軟弱; 有誰跌倒,我不焦急。 Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is stumbled, and I burn not?

第三層天與樂園的經歷。 The Revelation of the third heaven and the paradise.

主的能力在人的軟弱上顯得完全。 For My power is made perfect in weakness.

主因軟弱被釘十字架,卻因神的大能仍然活著。 Christ has been crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God’s power.
彼此同心,彼此和睦,仁愛和平的神必常與你們同在。 Be of one mind; be at peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.
2019/9/15李君山 Jonathan Li神恢復的工作 God’s Work of Restoration Play Audio讀經Scriptures: 詩篇Psalm 126.詩歌 Hymns: 601 我豈可去,雙手空空? Must I Go and Empty-handed?


神恢復的工作乃是神永遠的旨意的一部分God’s work of restoration is an integral part of God’s eternal purpose.

神恢復工作的特點 The Characteristics of God’s Work of Restoration:
是神奇妙的作爲:我們好像做夢的人The Wonderful Work of God: We were like them that dream.
喜樂的恢復:我們滿口喜笑,滿舌歡呼 The Joy of Restoration:Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with rejoicing.
是耶和華為我們行了大事Jehovah hath done great things for us.
像南地的河水復流 As the streams start to flow again in the South!

神恢復的工作的果效:流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割!The Outcome of God’s Restoration Work: They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.