
得了祕訣 Having Been Initiated

信 息/講 員Message: 劉以示 Ernest Liu

詩歌Hymns: 450 以利沙代 EL SHADDAI

讀經Scriptures: 腓立比書Philippians 4:11-13.


  • 不傳之密 Hidden Secrets 
  • 知足 Being Content
  • 一生的生命歷程  Life-long Journey of the Experience of Life 
  • 生命成熟的衡量  Gauge of the Maturity in Life
  • 耶穌基督之靈全備的供應 The Abundant Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
  • 得到祕訣  Having Been Initiated

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聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints 12/15/2019


  1. 今天下午1:00點整,我們有福音聚會的詩班排練,請有負擔的弟兄姊妹參加。平常下午的豐盛生命造就交通暫停一次。
  2. 12/21日(周六)晚上5點有年終福音聚會,請多多邀請您的朋友參加,也為要來的福音聚會和講員田森傑弟兄切切代禱!
  3. 12/29日(主日)有受浸聚會,請為肖琳姊妹的受浸代禱!
  4. 周二晚上禱告會: 7:30 PM. 周五晚上7:30 PM有查經交通: 腓立比書第3. 主日早晨9:20 AM在會所有讀經。
  5. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be a chore practice for the coming Gospel meeting at 1:00 PM. The burdened brothers and sisters please participate. The regular abundant life fellowship will suspend this week.
  2. Year-end Gospel meeting on 12/21 at 5 PM (Sat), please invite Gospel friends and pray for this special Gospel meeting and the speaker Brother Timothy Tin!
  3. There will be baptism meeting on 12/29 (Sunday), please pray for the baptize Sister Lin Xiao!
  4. Prayer: Tues. night. 7:30 PM. Friday night Bible fellowship on Philippians 3 at 7:30 PM. Sun. morning Bible reading: 9:20 AM.
  5. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.
Posted in General.