
第五篇 主因軟弱被釘十字架,卻因神的大能仍然活著  Play Audio

Christ has been crucified in weakness,  yet He lives by God’s power

信 息/講 員 Message: 史伯誠 Newman Sze

詩歌Hymns: 411 耶穌,我今歡然安息  Jesus! I am Resting, Resting

讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 11:2-3, 14-15, 29; 12:2-4, 7-9; 13:3-4, 11, 14.


  • 把你們許配給基督,如同貞潔的童女,獻給基督。 I have espoused you to Christ, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
  • 撒但也裝作光明的天使。 For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
  • 有誰軟弱,我不軟弱; 有誰跌倒,我不焦急。 Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is stumbled, and I burn not?
  • 第三層天與樂園的經歷。 The Revelation of the third heaven and the paradise.
  • 主的能力在人的軟弱上顯得完全。 For My power is made perfect in weakness.
  • 主因軟弱被釘十字架,卻因神的大能仍然活著。 Christ has been crucified in weakness, yet He lives by God’s power.
  • 彼此同心,彼此和睦,仁愛和平的神必常與你們同在。 Be of one mind; be at peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints


  1. 9月14日周六,上午10點在海邊(Del Rey Lagoon, 6660 Esplanade Place, Playa Del Rey, CA),有特別燒烤迎新福音聚餐聚會,請多多邀請福音朋友參加。
  2. 請為史弟兄9/14日去台灣三周服事主與那邊的聖徒代禱。
  3. 今天下午12:45分有初信造就班,請有負擔的肢體踴躍參加。
  4. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書1. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  5. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be a special New Comer Welcome BBQ gathering at Del Rey Lagoon, 6660 Esplanade Place, Playa Del Rey, CA on 9/14 at 10:00 am. Please invite your friends to participate.
  2. Please pray for Bro. Sze who will serve the Lord in Taiwan for about three weeks.
  3. New Believers’ Class will be held this afternoon at 12:45 PM, please join this class if you burdened to serve or learn.
  4. Friday night Bible fellowship on Gal. 1 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am.
  5. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.


Posted in General.